Journal of today’s activities:
Carole and I were not able to celebrate Valentine’s Day together. While she went to care for people in the hospital where she works, I drove to San Jose. I left my house at 4:30 am so that I would beat the traffic. At 7:00 am I reported to the Santa Clara County Juvenile Hall. I spent one-on-one time with several of the young people were serving time inside of that facility. Many of them awaited sentences that would keep them locked up for many years. Some were only 15 and expected to serve longer than 20 years in prison. I taught them the strategies that I used inside and urged them to begin making decisions that would help them grow as human beings. Following my meeting inside the juvenile hall I went to meet with the leader of the mayor’s gang task force in San Jose. We discussed how I could work to train the outreach team in the Straight-A Guide.
- Days since my release from 26 years in federal prison: 186
- Miles run today: 0
- Miles run this week: 25.4
- Miles run this month: 87.1
- Miles run in 2014: 363.23
- Miles I need to run to reach my 2,400-mile running goal for 2014:
- Number of miles I’m ahead of schedule or behind schedule: 67.58
- Today’s Weight: 164