Journal of today’s activities:
I spent several hours working on PowerPoint presentations today. The visual images will help audiences follow along as I speak about the injustices of mass incarceration. Many opportunities will open in the weeks to come for me to use these PowerPoint presentations. Later this week, on Thursday and Friday, I’ll make presentations for leadership teams in the Washington State Department of Corrections. The slide shows will help the audience follow along. Next Monday I’ll use the slideshow in a presentation that I’ll make at the Newman Auditorium in Santa Rosa. Then, on Wednesday, I’m scheduled to present at Stanford University and I’ll use a version of the slide show there. I’m really excited to speak at the Santa Clara County Convention Center on Friday, February 7, and my PowerPoint will enrich the presentation. Exciting times ahead
- Days since my release from 26 years in federal prison: 160
- Miles run today: 16.4
- Miles run this week: 32.8
- Miles run this month: 199.13
- Miles run in 2014: 199.13
- Miles I need to run to reach my 2,400-mile running goal for 2014:
- Number of miles I’m ahead of schedule or behind schedule: 67.73
- Today’s Weight: 163