Journal of today’s activities:
My workday began before dawn this morning and now it’s 8:10 in the evening. Except for a few hours that I broke away for a run, I spent all of my hours preparing for a four-day training event that I am scheduled to deliver in the early spring. It’s with the San Jose Mayor’s Gang Task Force. Since I’ll lead the same group of people together for four days, I need to devote many hours preparing. I’m creating numerous PowerPoint slides and gathering video content that will make for an engaging interactive workshop. I’ve never led this type of training before. The exercises will differ from the Straight-A Guide training, but once I complete the workshop, I think that I’ll have another product to offer prospective clients. I’d like to continue working on this project tomorrow, but I cannot. I’m scheduled to teach at San Francisco State tomorrow afternoon. Fortunately, Deputy Dave Bates from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has agreed to visit as a guest speaker. He will help me teach the students about America’s jail system.
- Days since my release from 26 years in federal prison: 191
- Miles run today: 13.7
- Miles run this week: 44.9
- Miles run this month: 143.7
- Miles run in 2014: 419.83
- Miles I need to run to reach my 2,400-mile running goal for 2014: 419.83
- Number of miles I’m ahead of schedule or behind schedule: 91.33
- Today’s Weight: 162