Days since my release from 26 years in prison: 105
Time I woke: 4:00
Journal of activities:
I woke this morning feeling much better because I’ve made considerable progress toward reaching my goal of running 13 marathons before the end of this year. I was way behind until the beginning of this month. But so far I’ve managed to run four marathon distances during the month of November and I expect that I’ll run one more marathon distance before this month ends. I would’ve liked to have run another marathon today, but I had too many writing projects to complete. So I began the day with editing. I need to clear two manuscripts off of my desk before the end of this year. I worked in the early morning editing one. At 9:00 am I participated on a conference call with a class from the State University of New York in Pottstdam. Then, at 11:00, a journalist from the public radio station in Berkeley visited me at my house to interview me for a broadcast about prison reentry and the influences of AB 109 legislation in California. I spent the remainder of the afternoon editing.
Exercise Routine-
- Time: No exercise
- Lenght of time: No exercise
- Miles run today: 0
- Weather: Beautiful and sunny in Petaluma
- Consecutive days: 0
- Cumulative miles since day off: 0
- Pushups today: 0
- Cumulative pushups for month: 0
- Annual marathon tally: 10
Gratitude prayer:
I’m grateful to God for opening new opportunities for me every day, and I’m grateful to the many people who show an interest in listening to the lessons I learned through my journey.
Today a journalist met me at my home to conduct a radio interview that the Berkeley public radio station will broadcast soon.
Links to publications: