Days since my release from 26 years in prison: 12
Time I woke: 5:00 am
Journal of activities:
I’m learning a little something about what it means to live in society. While incarcerated, I was able to keep a much more disciplined schedule than I am keeping as I work to build my business. I did not return home from our trip to Los Angeles until after midnight. Yet I woke at 5:00 am in order to help Carole prepare for work. I made her coffee and then I ironed her nursing uniform. Then I caught up with some administrative work that I needed to complete while she got ready. I realized that so many projects await my attention that I would have to sacrifice my run again. I did not exercise one time since I left for my trip to Los Angeles, so this is very disturbing to me. I’ve got to find some way to bring a balance into my life that will include exercise. Despite the lack of running, the busy schedule did not lead to my gaining too much weight. When I stepped on the scale I weighed 168.7 pounds, which means I gained about five pounds since my last run, but that is manageable. I will respond to the weight gain tomorrow by running a half marathon.
I added more content to my new website as I’m getting ready to launch. It’s my hope that my friend Tulio and I will feel ready to launch the new website within the next few days. I will still have considerable amounts of content to add, but I want to begin documenting the journey for readers to learn about the challenges I’m facing as I build my new life in society. One challenge came today with a correspondence I had with my probation officer. I’m going to write an article about the experience and I invite those who want to learn more about the challenges of returning to society after 26 years in prison to read the article. I’m publishing a link below.
Also, I finally updated my Facebook page with a brief summary of my trip to Los Angeles. I asked followers on Facebook and Twitter to follow my new Instagram page. In the evening, my friend Lee Nobmann and I went to dinner at Giacomo’s restaurant in Petaluma. While I dined on a Pepperoni pizza, I told him all about my trip to Los Angeles and the progress we made in beginning the sales process for our Straight-A Guide program.
Exercise Routine-
- Time: No exercise
- Lenght of time: 0
- Miles run today: 0
- Weather: 0
- Consecutive days: 0
- Cumulative miles since day off: 0
- Pushups today: 0
- Cumulative pushups for month: 0
- Annual marathon tally: 6
Gratitude prayer:
I’m thankful to God for guiding Carole and I through our first trip together and for opening so many opportunities that will lead to the growth of my career. In silent prayer, I thanked God for staying beside Carole and me through this entire journey.
Today I worked alone from my home office. In the evening I went out for dinner with my friend and mentor Lee Nobmann.
Links to publications:
Follow my new Instagram page.