Days since my release from 26 years in prison: 103
Time I woke: 4:00
Journal of activities:
I spent time with Carole this morning participating in a CPR class in Santa Rosa. Carole’s license as a registered nurse requires that she renew her CPR certification every two years. She told me how valuable CPR training would be for me if I were ever around someone who had trouble breathing and she asked that I accompany her. I enjoyed learning about how to provide effective CPR. After the training session Carole and I went to lunch at a restaurant called Chili’s. I remembered seeing the advertisements of that restaurant while I was in prison and when we drove by I asked Carole to stop. I ordered the Southwestern Cheeseburger, which tasted even better than it looked in the advertisements. Then we returned home so that Carole and I could resume our work. In the evening we drove into San Francisco so that we could pick up Nichole and her boyfriend Michael. They were flying in to begin a short stay with us.
Exercise Routine-
- Time: No exercise
- Lenght of time: No exercise
- Miles run today: 0
- Weather: Sunny day in Petaluma, Santa Rosa, and cool evening in San Francisco.
- Consecutive days: 0
- Cumulative miles since day off: 0
- Pushups today: 0
- Cumulative pushups for month: 0
- Annual marathon tally: 9
Gratitude prayer:
Carole is very happy today because her daughter, Nichole, is flying in from Seattle to visit. Nichole graduated from Washington State University last spring and her boyfriend, Michael, graduates in a few weeks from the university. I look forward to seeing Nichole and Michael, and I’m grateful that I have these opportunities to see Carole glowing with joy.
This morning I joined Carole to participate in a CPR class and I met some of her colleagues.
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