Days since my release from 26 years in prison: 62
Time I woke: 4:30 am
Journal of activities:
I’m working on couple of projects that require me to write a lot. After returning from my exercise session I spent some time reviewing papers that I received from my students. Then I spent several hours writing a lengthy document in preparation for a workshop that students at Stanford Law School are sponsoring. The workshop is about transformative justice, and I’ll play a role of helping law students understand the complications associated with being arrested, going through the prison system, and then returning to society. I wrote more than 2,000 words today on the project, which now has be tired. It’s only 7:15 in the evening and I’m ready for bed.
Exercise Routine-
- Time: 6:30 am
- Lenght of time: 2.5 hours
- Miles run today: 13
- Weather: Beautiful and sunny in Petaluma
- Consecutive days: 3
- Cumulative miles since day off: 36
- Pushups today: 0
- Cumulative pushups for month: 0
- Annual marathon tally: 6
Gratitude prayer:
I’m so thankful that I’m able to spend time working on projects that have meaning to my life and to build a career that I love.
Today I did not meet with anyone other than my wife.
Links to publications: