Days since my release from 26 years in prison: 71
Time I woke: 3:15
Journal of activities:
I spent the morning working to create more resources that would help Justin and I prospect into the field of corrections more effectively. With that end in mind, I worked with Tulio to update both websites by adding more video content. Our websites need to capture the attention of our viewers and I’m hopeful that all of the press coverage we’ve received will bring more interest to our work. I also had a wonderfully encouraging call with a principal from a juvenile hall in the Silicon Valley area. We’ve established a meeting date for next week and I’ll look forward to presenting our products. I also spoke with Chris Redlitz, the founder of The Last Mile and spoke with him about using our program as a feeder system that would validate candidates of The Last Mile. In the afternoon I met with Jen Porter and Jane Wilson, founders of Reset Foundation, which aspires to operate a prison system that focuses on transforming the lives of offenders with a focus on education.
Exercise Routine-
- Time: 6:30
- Lenght of time: 1.4
- Miles run today: 8
- Weather: Cool and damp, cloudy in Petaluma morning. Turns sunny in afternoon.
- Consecutive days: 2
- Cumulative miles since day off: 13
- Pushups today: 0
- Cumulative pushups for month: 0
- Annual marathon tally: 6
Gratitude prayer:
I’m thankful to God for the guidance I receive as I continue these efforts to reach into the marketplace.
Today I met with Jen Porter and Jane Wilson. They are the founders behind Project Remade, an organization that aspires to operate prison systems that transform offenders into law-abiding, contributing citizens.
Links to publications: