Days since my release from 26 years in prison: 57
Time I woke: 3:;30 am
Journal of activities:
This morning I worked with Justin to complete more developments on the website and to begin preparing a marketing package for our products. We’ve identified a list of people whom we would like to endorse our products. With the idea of receiving those endorsements in mind, I wrote a series of suggested endorsements for them to consider. Then I did more work on a proposal that I’m writing for San Joaquin County to consider. The park where I usually run is closed for maintenance this week so I ran a different route. It took me to the top of a Sonoma mountain and I enjoyed the climb. After my run I participated in a conference call with an insurance broker who is working with Justin to provide us with the worker’s compensation coverage we will need to launch a staffing company. In the afternoon I worked to fill out the paperwork necessary to receive coverage for this service. Later in the afternoon I met with Wendi, the HR director for Golden State Lumber. She advised me on more complications and expenses I should consider before venturing into the business of offering temporary staffing services. We scheduled a meeting for Monday afternoon to go over those details further. Then I went to Wells Fargo to meet with a banker. I need to open an additional credit line to begin building my credit history. The quarter century that I served in prison rendered me invisible to the credit world. I now have three credit lines open, and we’re expecting to see the credit bureaus begin to report on my prompt payments and responsible borrowing by the end of this year.
Exercise Routine-
- Time: 6:30 am
- Lenght of time: 2.2 hours
- Miles run today: 11
- Weather: Beautiful and sunny in Petaluma
- Consecutive days: 17
- Cumulative miles since day off: 181
- Pushups today: 0
- Cumulative pushups for month: 0
- Annual marathon tally: 6
Gratitude prayer:
Today brought the blessing of another day with Carole being home with me. She was scheduled to work, but a low census at the hospital meant that her shift was canceled. We did not mind. She caught up with her schoolwork and I had the benefit of having her working beside me in our home office.
This afternoon I had a meeting with Wendi, an HR director and Alvaro, a banker at Wells Fargo.
Links to publications: