While in Los Angeles for a series of sales meetings with our Straight-A Guide curriculum, my partner Justin and I drove more than 600 miles. We visited clients and prospective clients in various locations between Orange County and Ventura County. On every freeway, we passed alongside busses that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department operated. I consider myself blessed for so many reasons. I’m especially grateful to be finished with the prison system, but I feel a sense of responsibility to continue working to help those individuals going through confinement. I know that many of the individuals on those busses that the LA County Sheriff’s Department operates are beginning lengthy terms in confinement. I want them to emerge just as I emerged, with values, skills, and resources that will help them transition into society as law-abiding, contributing citizens. We designed and produced our Straight-A Guide Life Skills Program for that specific reason, and I feel a great sense of fulfillment in knowing that thousands of people will learn from the work we’ve done. We’re living as the change we want to see in the world.