Making a Million Dollars from Prison
In my book Earning Freedom: Conquering a 45-Year Prison Term, I describe how I transformed my life. Those decisions had a monumental impact on my ability to return to society strong. By making values-based, goal-oriented decisions like we teach in the MasterMind course at, anyone can build a better future despite past bad decisions. If that strategy could empower me though the decades that I served in prison, including making a million dollars from prison, just think what the strategy can do for you.
Today I’m offering an extra podcast. This episode describes how I earned my first million dollars in prison. Although I provide much more detail in the Earning Freedom book, I offer a condensed version of the story in this 30-minute podcast.
In revealing this story, it’s my hope that others will see that they, too, can begin sowing seeds for a brighter future. The process requires a commitment to define success. I call that the vision. Then, it requires the individual to consider where he is today. We’ll call that point A. Then, the individual must consider his vision, his definition of success, point B. The individual must reverse engineer the path that he will take to travel from point A to point B. That becomes the plan. Then, the individual must take the incremental action steps along the way. That is what we call execute.
- Visualize
- Plan
- Execute
I adhered to that plan through each of the 9,500 days that I served. I adhere to that plan today. In the Earning Freedom podcast I’ll reveal more about how this disciplined, deliberate strategy empowers me every day. The strategy can empower others as well. Such a strategy leads to fulfillment in every area that brings meaning and relevance to life
If you’d like to learn more, stay tuned to the Earning Freedom podcast. When you’re ready, make the commitment and sign up for our mastermind program.
Andres Idarraga describes how he transformed his life while serving a lengthy sentence inside of state prison. He advanced to Brown University and earned his law degree from Yale Law School. You too can set goals to transform your life by learning through the mastermind course we offer. Sign up today.
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