What is a Prison Consultant?
I attended a gathering last night at an extraordinary Potomac, Maryland home. Most all of the other guests were attorneys. Sam Sheldon, who hosted the event, formerly worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney. He is now a partner at Quinn Emanuel, one of the nation’s most elite, white-glove law firms. Sam Morrison was also present. For more than a decade, he worked at the U.S. Pardon Attorney’s office and he now specializes in representing people who apply for clemency or pardons. Julie Stewart, the founder of FAMM was also present. There were several other lawyers in the room, including my friend Shon Hopwood, who clerks for the DC Circuit Court. The evening’s discussion centered on concepts related to prison or sentence reform, the injustices of mass incarceration, and the work that I’m doing to earn a living. One guest asked, “What is a prison consultant?”
Although I do a considerable amount of work without compensation, through PrisonProfessor.com I earn my living. Products on PrisonProfessor.com and prison consulting services I offer provide insight to people who do not adhere to the criminal lifestyle, but have been indicted for a crime.
Generally, my clients are white-collar offenders who are traumatized by the thought that prison may be a possibility. I don’t offer legal advice. Instead, I provide a specialty service, helping them prepare for the best possible outcome. Those consultations include helping them prepare for the presentence investigation, helping them understand programs like the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP), which can result in their receiving time off their sentence, and also understanding a best-practice way of serving time so that they can position themselves for an easier journey, both in prison and beyond.
Through the free daily podcasts that I offer on the Earning Freedom network, and the abundance of articles I publish, I provide an abundance of free content. White-collar offenders who find that information can ascertain the value that I can provide as they confront the difficult challenges of a criminal prosecution. And as Sam Morrison, a lawyer who once worked for the Pardon Attorney told me last night, this work can help to position those defendants for clemency or a pardon later on down the journey. That is the work I do as a prison consultant.
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