30 Year Prison Term: Miguel Zaldivar
In the late 1980s, a federal judge sentenced Miguel Zaldivar to serve a 30-year prison term. Today’s podcast is the first of five episodes. Miguel tells us how he felt to begin serving such a lengthy sentence when he was only 25. Initially, he made an escape attempt. Then, after authorities transferred Miguel to the high-security United States Penitentiary (USP) in Leavenworth, Miguel took a fresh look at life. He made the decision to transform into a law-abiding, contributing citizen.
From Miguel we learn that an individual who makes the choice can work toward becoming more than past bad decisions. While incarcerated, Miguel earned a university degree and he became a published author. Although he served multiple decades in prison, he emerged with his dignity intact, ready to begin living as a contributing, law-abiding citizen.
We’ll hear more of Miguel’s story tomorrow.
Those who would like to contact Miguel may connect through email:
Email: mzaldivar051@gmail.com
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