Monday, September 15, 2014
Today I had a great meeting with a visionary business leader. He spoke with me about an idea he has to purchase high-end properties here in Orange County. The conversation opened my eyes to new opportunities. As government reports show, there is a growing chasm that separates high net worth individuals from people of more moderate means. Although many people struggle to purchase single-family homes, the real estate market for those who can afford to spend several million dollars on a property is very strong. I’m giving some thought to steps I can take to profit from this observation. Opportunities continuously open for those who have the foresight to look. That is what we teach in our Straight-A Guide, and it’s what I strive to live every day.
Days since my release from prison: 399
Miles that I ran today: 10.2
Miles that I ran so far this week: 21.7
Miles that I’ve run during the month of September: 80.77
Miles that I ran so far in 2014: 1,791.76
Miles that I need to run in order to reach my annual goal of 2,400 miles: 608.24
Miles I’m ahead of schedule to reach my 2,400-mile goal by the end of 2014: 90.13
My weight for today: 168