Friday, December 5, 2014
Today I drove to Palm Springs for the purpose of a live event. Our company has a very successful sales and marketing strategy with its advertising campaign. But we’ve not had a live-event strategy. Conversations I’ve had with the principals of the company got us started in this direction. Today we were scheduled to present for the first time to an audience in Palm Springs. The group was supposed to include 500 people, but when I arrived, I found that only about 250 people were present. That was fine.
John Allen, a friend of mine, drove me over to Palm Springs for the event. He is a successful entrepreneur who has built a business in the credit-repair industry. We’ve been discussing the possibility of my doing some writing to systematize his firm. I would love to undertake the writing project, but I’m so busy at the present with Prison Professor and the start of these live events. I don’t know whether I can devote sufficient time to get his project off the ground. We had a good talk about the project during our two-hour drive from Irvine to Palm Springs.
In Palm Springs, however, I learned that the convention was behind schedule. I was scheduled to present with Luke Chadwick, the principal owner of Sanctuary Belize and Kanantik Belize. But we weren’t the only presenters. Other people were presenting on digital marketing, investing, banking, and other types of business opportunities. Some of the presenters had gone on for too long, and as a consequence, I learned, our speaking slot had been pushed back from an originally scheduled 7:30 to 8:30. Then we were told that it was too late and we would have to return tomorrow for our presentation. I was okay with the change, but Luke has a lot of responsibilities and he wasn’t too pleased. He had brought Zarnie and Mark, two colleagues who work with us in Irvine. As a consequence of the delay, they would have to stay the night in Palm Springs. Since I drove over with John, I decided to drive back with him and return in the morning.
These are the challenges of business. We just have to seize every opportunity and be grateful that we can create value through our work.
Days since my release from prison: 480
Miles that I ran today: 13.14
Miles that I ran so far this week: 39.5
Miles that I’ve run during the month of December: 39.5
Miles that I ran so far in 2014: 2,270.49
Miles that I need to run in order to reach my annual goal of 2,400 miles: 129.51
Miles I’m ahead of schedule to reach my 2,400-mile goal by the end of 2014: 43.26
My weight for today: 168