Saturday, December 13, 2014
Carole didn’t have to work today so we enjoyed the morning together. She was scheduled for an exercise class at 10:30, so I postponed my run until then. I worked from home, finishing up a grant request that I had to write for our foundation. The grant I’m applying for will sustain our organization for anther three years, allowing us to distribute the Straight-A Guide and to expand our Straight-A Guide Staffing Solutions program to 10 different counties across the state of California. We’re currently at the second round of the funding stage. The next stage will be a meeting with the funder. If all goes well, we’ll likely receive notification on the status of our request before the end of January. In the meantime, I have an enormous amount of work ahead of me, with the foundation, the advancement of my career, and the many ancillary projects that I currently have underway. I’m grateful for all of the work and I’m grateful to have wrapped up the grant request that I finished writing today.
My run really rejuvenated me. I wasn’t able to run since I left for Orlando. While there, I couldn’t miss a single opportunity to promote the event. Such responsibilities meant that I had to forego exercise and focus all of my attention on making the most of the event that I possibly could. The live events are great opportunity, and I’m giving a lot of thought on how I can build a new business around this channel. It will come with some costs, like extensive travel, but I could make a commitment for a year.
Days since my release from prison: 488
Miles that I ran today: 13.3
Miles that I ran so far this week: 26.72
Miles that I’ve run during the month of December: 73.87
Miles that I ran so far in 2014: 2,304.86
Miles that I need to run in order to reach my annual goal of 2,400 miles: 95.14
Miles I’m ahead of schedule to reach my 2,400-mile goal by the end of 2014: 25.07
My weight for today: 168