Monday, December 15, 2014
Today I launched the beta version of I call it a beta version because I’m not entirely convinced that I am going to stick with the design. I laid out the design myself and of course I wrote all of the content for the site. I received some help from a graphic designer, but I chose the theme and created the basic design. The more I look at the site, however, the more I’m contemplating a change. I wanted to create a clean look, but the current version may have too much going on, with too many moving parts. The animations, I thought, would help keep a visitor’s eyes glued to the site. Now I’m thinking that the animations may be distracting. I spend hours each day on the site, but I’ll wait to receive comments from some trusted advisors. My target audience includes defense attorneys and criminal defendants. But I’ll also transition to Prison Professor in 2015 and use it as a branding center for the career that I’m building. I’ve got an enormous amount of work ahead of me. For now the site meets my need, but anyone who looks at the site now shouldn’t be surprised if I make changes in the weeks or months to come.
Days since my release from prison: 490
Miles that I ran today: 13.1
Miles that I ran so far this week: 13.1
Miles that I’ve run during the month of December: 86.97
Miles that I ran so far in 2014: 2,317.96
Miles that I need to run in order to reach my annual goal of 2,400 miles: 82.04
Miles I’m ahead of schedule to reach my 2,400-mile goal by the end of 2014: 25.03
My weight for today: 168