Thursday January 1 through Saturday January 3, 2015
These first three days of the New Year were really wonderful. I worked from home, continuing to write new content for I anticipate that this site will take another few weeks to complete. Since it’s a sales-oriented site, I have to think through every element of the presentation. It’s my hope that I’ll generate some traffic organically for, but the majority will come through advertising, I suspect. Because I’ll make regular investments to drive traffic, I devote dozens hours each week to the site’s development. I’m done with most of the writing. The work now is mostly graphical. But I intend to write new content regularly for the blog. Those articles, I hope, will yield more visitors from my intended audience: defendants and defense attorneys.
The big news of the first of the year is that Carole has persuaded me to change my diet. She has always been a disciplined eater. Now that she has so much knowledge about health, she is much more persuasive with her arguments about what I should eat. She has found scientific evidence that shows a link between gluten and dementia. Obviously, dementia doesn’t occur overnight. The science she has found suggests that decades of eating high-carb diets and gluten contribute to dementia. From the limited amount I understand from her, the gluten has a bad influence on the brain over time. Since I know that I won’t be running as many miles this year, I agreed to join her for at least one month. That means I had to stop eating pasta. Since pasta meals have always been my favorite, I feel like I’m making a huge sacrifice. I do it for her. I don’t know whether I’ll continue beyond January, but I’m committed to January.
Miles for week: 32.57
Miles for month: 11.07
Miles for year: 11.07
Weight: 167.5
Link to 2015 running log: Running Log