Prison Consultant: Emerge From Prison Successfully
As a prison consultant, I strive to present empowering stories that profile others who work to emerge from prison successfully. The stories portray people who encountered the prison system and used their time inside to prepare for success. Sometimes I share stories of well-educated white-collar offenders who face prison because of fraud convictions. Sometimes I interview people who come from less privileged backgrounds. There is an inspiring message with every story of an individual who faced struggle, but overcame the challenge to emerge with dignity intact.
Today I present the story of Malik Wade. Malik did not enter the federal prison system as a well-educated white-collar offender convicted of fraud. On the contrary, Malik grew up in an urban community, influenced by a criminal lifestyle. While serving longer than a decade, however, Malik completely reformed his life. He created opportunities to educate himself. He participated in the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP), which allowed him to shave a year off of his sentence.
In today’s podcast, Malik shares how an individual can move through struggle with his dignity intact as a law-abiding, contributing citizen. If Malik could emerge from prison successfully, just think what you can do!
Malik’s impressive adjustment through prison has resulted in his returning to society with many opportunities. Venture capitalists, hedge fund leaders, and CEOs have reached out to support Malik. They’ve sponsored a venture he initiated to prepare young people from urban communities for success.
The work that Malik has done, and his return to society as a law-abiding, contributing citizen, may serve to inspire anyone who listens. Facing imprisonment can challenge anyone. Some consider the prospect of imprisonment as one of the worst challenges an individual can face. Those who’ve overcome prison share guidance that can benefit anyone.
Prison Consultant
The 26 years I served provide a depth and breadth of experience that differs from any other prison consultant. Many white-collar or first-time offenders who anticipate surrendering to prison contact me with descriptions of hopelessness. When educated people face prison for the time they can slip into a vortex. It’s my job to help them restore their strength and dignity.
The free podcasts available at demonstrate that there is a path back to success and prosperity. Malik Wade shows that he can do it. If you’ve been convicted of a white-collar crime like securities fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, or any other type of crime that may bring a prison term, visit for guidance. Or, if you would like to schedule a free personal consultation, contact me now.
I help people prepare for prison and to prepare for success upon release.