Prison Consultant: Success from Prison
Serving as a prison consultant allows me to work with people from every sector in society. Why? Because our nation’s criminal justice system will take anyone. Our country incarcerates more people on earth than any other nation. White-collar offenders with advanced degrees and multi-million dollar fortunes serve time in communities with people who don’t have any education and may be illiterate. Prison authorities may assign former corporate CEOs to serve time alongside prison gang members. How do individuals with such disparate backgrounds thrive in such communities?
As a prison consultant, I teach strategies that any individual can use as they strive to navigate the challenges of a criminal indictment. Through free podcasts available on Earning Freedom, people can ascertain the depth and breadth of my experience. Through lesson plans available at, people can pursue the self-study programs that will help them under the presentence investigation, the Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP), sentence mitigation strategies, and more; PrisonProfessor makes those course available at a really low coast. Those who want to retain a one-on-one prison consultant will derive value from the investment. They’ll get the benefit from all I learned during the 26 years that I lived as a prisoner.
On today’s podcast, listeners will learn from Salvador Castaneda, a former prison gang member who transformed his life while in federal prison. He has since been released and he is enjoying success in society as a law-abiding citizen.
Salvador Castaneda, Jr.
I met Salvador Castaneda during my 25th year of imprisonment. In his interview today, he tells our audience that he formerly considered himself a member of the Paisa prison gang. Salvador worked alongside me as I was developing the Straight-A Guide program. I’ve since modified that program for the MasterMind course available on Salvador tells the Earning Freedom podcast how adhering to a values-based, goal-oriented strategy resulted in successful return to society. Immediately upon his release from prison, he secured full-time employment. Success led to his receiving a full scholarship in a vocational program, a full scholarship to a local college, and advancement in his career.
If you face challenges with the criminal justice system, you will find inspiration in listening to Salvador’s story of success.
Want to learn strategies that led to Salvador’s success?