Monday, June 16, 2014
After a job candidate reads through the opening essay of the pre-application, which I published in yesterday’s entry, the candidate reads through a section on values. I’m looking for candidates who feel comfortable revealing the values by which they profess to live. Candidates who are authentic wouldn’t have any problem revealing the values that govern their decisions. The answers each candidate provides tells me a great deal.
The essay I wrote to explain the process follows:
Section 1: Values
At Global Property Alliance, we build winning teams. Our team comprises A-players exclusively. They’re women and men who aspire to reach their highest personal potential. They pursue excellence in every area of life and they easily can define how.
We’re convinced that winners want to associate with winners. Accordingly, we’ve invested resources to enhance the possibility of recruiting candidates who truly want to immerse themselves in our culture. Those who join our team expect to build lasting careers around other high energy, deliberate, goal-oriented professionals. We’re always on the lookout for individuals who embody our motto:
- Visualize!
- Plan!
- Execute!
Our team members routinely define precisely how they go about their daily pursuit of success.
Since we make huge investments in building, nurturing, and incentivizing our team, we use this pre-application in an effort to ensure that we’re adding the right people to our team. Our pre-application enhances the possibility of finding candidates who share our passion. Those who join us are eager to thrive in our merit-based environment, where everyone strives to improve and develop new skills. Our team players know that success doesn’t materialize by accident. They embrace the concept that success ensues as a natural consequence of deliberate choices that align with values.
We’re convinced that winners identify values by which they profess to live. Then they invite the world to hold them accountable, always proud to reveal how their everyday choices lead to their personal development. Their life is a journey, a continuous pursuit of excellence.
We’d appreciate learning more about each candidate’s values. This first section of the pre-application helps us develop that understanding. Please let me hear from you.
Questions for candidates:
If you’d like an opportunity to live your best life now and to build a fabulous career, please help us understand the values by which you profess to live. Provide as much or as little information as you would like:
(Please insert your response here and return as a part of your completed pre-application.)
In tomorrow’s entry, I’ll describe what follows for the candidates who advance through the pre-application hiring process that I modeled after the Straight-A Guide system that I wrote for The Michael G. Santos Foundation.
Days since my release from prison: 308
Miles that I ran today: 7.45
Miles that I ran so far this week: 18.87
Miles that I’ve run during the month of June: 120.03
Miles that I ran so far in 2014: 1,253.8
Miles that I need to run in order to reach my annual goal of 2,400 miles: 1,146.2
Miles I’m ahead of schedule to reach my 2,400-mile goal by the end of 2014: 150.05
My weight for today: 166