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Sentence Mitigation Advice from Federal Judge Bennett
Sentence Mitigation Advice from Federal Judge Mark W. Bennett US District Court Judge Mark Bennett offered invaluable guidance on Sentence Mitigation. I met Judge Bennett when I was invited to speak at a symposium discussing mass incarceration. I told him about my work to help people prepare for the best possible sentence, and to have […]
Introduction from Stanford Professor Joan Petersilia to California Forward Readers
Michael Santos: A journey back to society I am writing to introduce Michael Santos to the readers of The Partnership for Community Excellence. Michael is an amazing and inspiring person and I encourage all of you to read closely the insights he will be sharing in the coming months about his personal prison reentry experiences. Over […]
Reentry Initiatives in Guam and Earning Freedom
On October 12, the US Attorney in Guam, Ms. Alicia Limtiaco, sent me an article on Reentry and Earning Freedom. Ms. Limtiaco is submitting the reentry article to the Department of Justice’s website. With her permission, I’m republishing the article here on my website. Read more by clicking the following link: Reentry and Earning Freedom […]
US Attorney Alicia Limtiaco Endorses Earning Freedom
The US Attorney offered an unsolicited endorsement for Earning Freedom when she spoke with a reporter after a keynote presentation and training session I made on improving outcomes of our nation’s criminal justice system.
National Institute of Corrections
I made a presentation on Earning Freedom for mental-health professionals that work with the National Institute of Corrections.
205: Back to Prison For Good
Back to United States Penitentiary in Atwater In January I returned to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The warden of the United States Penitentiary in Atwater invited me. My purpose in going was to speak with the men about the Earning Freedom Mastermind Course. I’m really excited to announce that the men at USP Atwater […]
Incentivizing Excellence: UC Hastings Law Review
Proud to have new article published in UC Hastings Law Journal Incentive Excellence Also, check out the review from distinguished UC Hastings Law Professor Rory Little: Rory Little
Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer of the Justice Department’s Civil Division, regarding the extradition from Jamaica and prosecution of Damion Bryan Barrett
By Rachel Dollar Mortgage Fraud Blog. “This sentence sends a very strong message that scammers operating in foreign countries will be held accountable for the laws they break in the United States. The Justice Department is committed to bringing these international fraudsters to justice.” The post Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer of […]
Release from Prison Journal: Day 587 – 593
Sunday, March 22 through Saturday, March 28, 2015
Journal describing highlights from the week.