Earning Freedom Mastermind: Achievement In the Earning Freedom Mastermind Course, I teach strategies that empowered me through 26 years in prison. I learned those strategies from masterminds who came from diverse backgrounds. Socrates taught me about the importance of the social contract and my relationship to society. Mandela taught the importance of humility. Gandhi taught the […]
153: Earning Freedom Mastermind Course: Awareness 7
Earning Freedom Mastermind: Awareness In the Earning Freedom Mastermind Course, I teach strategies that empowered me through 26 years in federal prison. This series of podcasts helps more people see the path to success. First, establish values. Then set goals. Advance toward aspirations with the right attitude. Take incremental action steps and hold yourself […]
133: How to Conquer Prison and Get Out Successfully
If you’re a defense attorney or a defendant, today’s podcast may interest you. I created How to Conquer Prison as a webinar, but offer the audio version here on the Earning Freedom podcast.
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132: Female Executive Going to Prison
Female executive hires federal prison consultant to help her prepare for federal prison. She tells her story about the judicial process.
If you like these types of interviews on the Earning Freedom Podcast, please visit iTunes. Please Susbcribe, Rate, and Review the show. Those subscriptions, ratings, and reviews persuade Apple to make the program available to more listeners.
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131: Back to Life after 18 Life Sentences
A judge sentenced Lazaro to 18 natural-life sentences. He transformed his life after decades in prison and returned to society strong.
If you like these types of interviews on the Earning Freedom Podcast, please visit iTunes. Please Susbcribe, Rate, and Review the show. Those subscriptions, ratings, and reviews persuade Apple to make the program available to more listeners.
Help spread the word on why we should reform our prison system by subscribing, rating, and reviewing the Earning Freedom podcast on iTunes.
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126 Discussing Re-Entry and Jobs
Re-entry to society can be a difficult thing when it comes to the job market. I spoke with Heracio Harts about his work with Healthy Hearts Institute and his experiences from being in prison.
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124: Pardon Attorney and Prison Consultant
Discussing the pardon process with former United States Pardon Attorney Samuel Morison, of PardonAttorney.com.
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123: The Pardon Process
Discussing the pardon process with former United States Pardon Attorney Samuel Morison, of PardonAttorney.com.
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122 Three Times in Prison
Angelo Pisano and I sat down to discuss his new website about prison survival as well as discussing personal stories.
121 VP of Aviation Company Prepares for Appeal
Discussing the strategies for success in preparation for Steve’s appeal in his ongoing federal prosecution case.
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