Discussing the strategies for success in preparation for his parents in federal prison with Mike.
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119 Lawyer Surrendering to Prison
Discussing the strategies for success in preparation for surrendering to federal prison with lawyer Roxanne.
Are you facing an indictment or imprisonment? I can help. Download your free guidebook to learn more.
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118: Real Estate Developer Discusses Course
Discussing the development of a re-entry course with Matthew, a regular listener and real estate investor with strategies for success.
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117 Mother of Sexual Offender and Mandatory Minimums
Discussing mandatory minimums with Linda, a mother whose son was charged as a sexual offender at the federal level.
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114 President Commutes 46 Prison Sentences
President Obama commuted the sentence of 46 people in federal prison. We should consider reforms to our criminal justice that would result in liberty for more than 10,000 people who serve sentences that are far too long.
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113 Prison Consultant Advises Escaped Convict
Prison Consultant Advises Escaped Convict In the previous episode, the Earning Freedom podcasts features my conversation with an escaped convict. While on the run, Rampage called me seeking advice of what he should do. During the one hour episode, I spoke with Rampage about the possibilities for him to build a new life. In today’s […]
112 Escaped Convict Calls Prison Consultant
Escaped Convict calls Prison Consultant A young man who identified himself as Rampage called my office. He identified himself as an escaped convict from a state prison. Rampage told me that he had been on the run for 13 days. Rampage had read Earning Freedom while he was incarcerated, he said. The book inspired him. He called […]
111 Message to Listeners
Prison Consultant Offers Message to Listeners As a consequence of demands from my work in prison consulting, along with my full-time job, I’m having to put more space between the Earning Freedom podcast episodes. We now have more than 110 episodes online, making an abundance of content available for individuals who want to learn about crucial […]
110 Disciplinary Infractions
Prison Consultant: Discussing Disciplinary Infractions in Federal Prison Anyone exposed to time in prison should learn about how the disciplinary process works. In today’s Earning Freedom podcast, I spoke with Agustina. She is a Fulbright Scholar from Argentina who is studying at UC Berkeley. Agustina is particularly interested in the disciplinary system that exists in America’s prison system. […]
109: Merge with Federal Prison Advice
With more than 10,000 people each year of guidance, PrisonProfessor.com merges with FederalPrisonAdivice.com. We will launch an outbound marketing campaign to bring more people into the funnel.
Are you facing an indictment or imprisonment? I can help. Download your free guidebook to learn more.
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